Bye-bye, back FAT!

Here are a few exercises that help you fight that bulge at the back

A little fat on the upper body of a woman can look real sexy. However, it is desirable only till the time the fat deposit is on the front. Back fat or that extra roll on top of or just below the bra strap is something one can live without.

Back fat, like fat anywhere else on the body, only disappears when you burn more calories than you consume. Fortunately, there are ways to tone these back muscles and hence make them look less flabby. A muscular back is firm, sexy and key to giving you a leaner physique. A well-developed upper back gives you that coveted V-shape that makes your waist and hips look slimmer. And a strong back makes good posture possible.


Stand next to a bench or sturdy chair. Place one hand on the bench or seat of the chair for support, and bend forward from your hips, keeping your belly button drawn toward your spine and your back and head almost parallel to the floor. Hold a moderately heavy dumbbell (you should start to fatigue around the eighth repetition) in your free hand, dangling it down so that it too is parallel to the floor. Retract your shoulder blade, bend your elbow and draw the weight up until your hand is touching your torso. Slowly lower the weight back down. Switch sides and hands.

Tip: Remember to keep your back straight. You should feel this exercise primarily in your back, not your arms. If you feel it in your arms, you're not retracting your shoulder blade before you lift. To test yourself, try to squeeze your shoulder blades together in back as if pinching someone's finger between them. Got it? Now try it with just one shoulder blade.


Lie on your stomach with your arms extended over your head and your legs straight. Toes and palms should rest on the floor. The pelvis and chest should be pressed firmly into the floor. Rest your forehead on the floor or turn your head to one side if that's more comfortable. Begin with your right arm and left leg raised slightly off the ground.You will feel some muscular tension in the lower back, gluteus and right shoulder. Raise both the right arm and left leg slowly until it feels difficult to keep your pelvis and chest flat on the floor. Lower and repeat with the opposite leg and arm combination.

Warning: Don't twist or rock your body to make this easier. If you've had lower back problems, this exercise might not be for you. Stop if you feel pain that isn't just muscular tension.


Sit on the edge of a bench, holding light weights (1.5 to 3.5 kgs) in each hand. Lean forward from your hips, flattening your back. If you can, rest your chest on your knees. Place your hands behind your calves with your palms facing each other. Tuck your chin into your chest. Raise your arms up to the sides, gradually bending your elbows as they come up. Squeeze your shoulder blades together (see tip under "Dumbbell rows"). Pause at the top of the extension and then slowly lower back down.

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