Those tummies, thighs and hips!

Are these your trouble spots?

Here’s how you can get rid of the fat deposits

The physical composition of Indians is such that the moment they gain even a few grams it begins to show, especially on their tummy, thighs and hips. So it's not surprising that most Indian women hit the gym because they want to shed that extra adipose off their thighs and hips while the men come complaining about their ever-growing potbelly.


The physiological reason why we Indians deposit fat in certain areas of the body has a bit to do with our history. For hundreds of years we became a nation where food became a rare and hard-earned commodity (and still is - to a certain extent). Starvation was much more common than abundance, and our bodies reacted to this by creating the so-called 'fat depots' to store for those lean and hungry times when food was scarce.

In fact, the location of fat depots is also linked to the sex of the individual. Women have fat depots in the breasts (are men complaining about this one?), abdomen, thighs, buttocks and hips. Men on the other hand tend to store fat in the abdomen (yes, those potbellies!) and the back of the neck (buffalo humps).

To be continued...

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